PresentationsAcceptedTotal 50: S1 Data analysis, machine learning and artificial intelligence
- Volkov Egor Nikolaevich (Dubna, Gosudarstvennyj universitet "Dubna") Possibilities of Enhancing Medical Image Segmentation with Modified Visual Transformers and Attention-based Explanations (Volkov E.N., Averkin A.N.)
- Zyrjanov Konstantin Sergeevich (Moskva, MGU imeni M.V. Lomonosova, fizicheskij fakul'tet, Kafedra matematicheskogo modelirovanija i informatiki) Comparative analysis of classical and neural network methods for detecting atoms in
atomic-scale images (Zyryanov K.S., Oreshkin A.I., Chulichkov A.I.)
- Nikol'skij Il'ja Mikhajlovich (Moskva, Moskovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova, fakul'tet vychislitel'noj matematiki i kibernetiki, f-t VMK MGU, kafedra Superkomp'juterov i kvantovoj informatiki) Machine learning methods for segmenting three-dimensional images of forest vegetation (Nikolsky I.M.)
S2 Calculation Methods and Mathematical Modeling
- Andreeva Irina Alekseevna (Sankt-Peterburg, Sankt-Peterburgskij Politekhnicheskij universitet Petra Velikogo , Kafedra vysshej matematiki IFiM, k.f.-m.n., dotzent
) Hierarchy of Subfamilies of the Polynomial Family of Dynamical Systems (Andreeva I.A., Kondratieva N.V.)
- Batova Anna Sergeevna (Dubna, OB'EDINENNYJ INSTITUT JaDERNYKh ISSLEDOVANIJ, Laboratorija Radiatzionnoj Biologii) On nonlinear dynamics of oscilating kinks in microtubules (Batova A.S., Bugay A.N., Ustinov N.V.)
- Bystrov Vladimir Sergeevich (PUShchINO, Institut matematicheskikh problem biologii RAN, Gruppa komp'juternogo modelirovanija nanostruktur i biosistem Otdela perspektivnykh inofrmatzionnykh tekhnologij) Manganese-Substituted Hydroxyapatite Structures: Modeling and Experiment (Bystrov V.S., Paramonova E.V., Avakyan L.A., Makarova S.V., Bulina N.V., Semenov S.V., Rubailo A.I.)
- Ivashkin Ivan Romanovich Monotonization of a modified scheme with Hermitian interpolation for the numerical solving of an inhomogeneous transport equation with absorption term (Aristova E.N., Karavaeva N.I., Ivashkin I.R.)
- Karavaeva Natalija Igorevna (Dolgoprudnyj, Moskovskij fiziko-tekhnicheskij institut (natzional'nyj issledovatel'skij universitet)) Применение высокоточных бикомпактных схем для совместного решения уравнения переноса излучения и уравнения энергии для вещества (Аристова Е.Н., Караваева Н.И.)
- Kim Stanislav Evgen'evich (Sankt-Peterburg, Universitet ITMO, NOTzm) Replacement of van der Waals pairs at collisions in the three-body problem (Kim S.E., Popov E.N.)
- Krasnjakov Ivan Vasil'evich (Perm', Permskij natzional'nyj issledovatel'skij politekhnicheskij universitet, FPMM, kafedra "Prikladnaja fizika") In silico investigation of cell repackaging in developing epithelial tissues (Krasnyakov I.V., Buzmakov M.D.)
- Kulagin Anton Evgen'evich (Tomskij politekhnicheskij universitet, Otdelenie elektronnoj inzhenerii) Semiclassical solutions to the nonlinear Schrodinger equation with a non-Hermitian term that are localized on few trajectories (Kulagin A.E., Shapovalov A.V.)
- Muzyka Aleksandr Andreevich (Moskva, MIREA - Rossijskij Tekhnologicheskij Universitet, kafedra Vysshej Matematiki Instituta Iskusstvennogo Intellekta) Appliaction of computer analogy method to the solution of systems of differential equations (Aristov V.V., Muzyka A.A., Stroganov A.V.)
- Muratov Dmitrij Aleksandrovich (Moskva, RUDN, Institut fizicheskikh issledovanij i tekhnologij (IFIT)) Сравнительный анализ моделей эффективной среды Максвелла Гарнетта и Бруггемана для расчёта спектральных характеристик композитных сред с металлическими наночастицами
(Муратов Д.А., Николаев Н.Э., Чехлова Т.К.)
- Pavletzov Makar Mikhajlovich (Ekaterinburg, Ural'skij federal'nyj universitet imeni pervogo Prezidenta Rossii B.N.El'tzina, Institut estestvennykh nauk i matematiki ) Allee effect influence on the dynamics of the stochastic Ricker population model with migrations (Pavletsov M., Ryashko L.)
- Sajfulin Marsel' Zhaudatovich (Samara, Samarskij gosudarstvennyj tekhnicheskij universitet, IAIT) Математическое моделирование корреляционного метода обработки мультиплексных хроматограмм (Сайфулин М.Ж.)
- Simonova Irina Eduardovna (Volgogradskij gosudarstvennyj tekhnicheskij universitet) Relations between complete moduli of smoothness for functions of two variables in different metrics (Simonova I.E., Simonov B.V.)
- Sinjukov Sergej Aleksandrovich (Tomsk, Tomskij gosudarstvennyj universitet, kafedra teoreticheskoj fiziki fizicheskogo fakul'teta) Dynamic system of moments of one-dimensional nonlocal Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov equation with fractal time derivative (Siniukov S.A., Shapovalov A.V.)
- Uvarova Ljudmila Aleksandrovna (Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Tekhnologicheskij Universitet "STANKIN", kafedra prikladnoj matematiki) Mathematical model of mass transfer of binary liquid mixtures in capillaries under the action of electromagnetic forces in the form of the Abel equation (Uvarova L.A.)
- Ugrozov Valerij Vjacheslavovich (Finansovyj Universitet pri Pravitel'stve RF, departament matematiki) Method for determination of gas transfer parameters of bilayer membrane from sorption kinetics (Ugrozov V.V.)
- Fateev Il'ja Sergeevich (Moskva, Fizicheskij institut im. P.N.Lebedeva RAN, Teoreticheskij otdel) Homogeneous and inhomogeneous synchronization transitions in superdiffusion networks (Fateev I.S., Polezhaev A.A.)
- Shatrov Anatolij Viktorovich (Sankt-Peterburg, Sankt-Peterburgskij Politekhnicheskij universitet Petra Velikogo, Institut fiziki i matematiki, kafedra matematiki) Pade Approximants application in asymptotic methods for solving boundary value problems of mathematical physics (Shatrov A.V.)
- Etezova Farida Mussaevna (Moskva, NII TzITOKhIMII I MOLEKULJaRNOJ FARMAKOLOGII, Sektor matematicheskogo modelirovanija i statisticheskoj obrabotki rezul'tatov) Application of 3D modeling methods to study the spatio-temporal distribution of paracetamol (Etezova F.M., Nartsissov Y.R., Mashkovtseva E.V.)
S4 Social-Economy Modeling and Analysis
- Afanas'ev Mikhail Jur'evich (Moskva, Tzentral'nyj ekonomiko - matematicheskij institut RAN
) Влияние структурной сложности региональных экономик на ВРП (Afanasjev M.Ju.)
- Bobkova Irina Aleksandrovna (Moskva, Otdelenie po JuZAO UFK po g. Moskve (TzEMI RAN l/s 06319340050), laboratorija 1.01) Assessing the quality of education at the secondary level:
monitoring the knowledge of university students (Bobkova I.A.)
- Vasil'eva Irina Anatol'evna (Moskva, TzEMI RAN) The criterion for state support for single-industry towns is registered unemployment? (Tarasova N.A., Vasilyeva I.A.)
- Gudovich Irina Semenovna (Voronezh, VORONEZhSKIJ GOSUDARSTVENNYJ UNIVERSITET, Voronezhskij gosudarstvennyj un-t , Matematicheskij f-t, kaf. Mat. Modelirovanija) Working Student of Full-Time Education at Russian University: Motivation and Ambition, Losses and Acquisition’s (Gudovich I.S., Vinokurova N.A.)
- Dubinina Viktorija Vasil'evna (Moskva, TzEMI RAN, 2.03 "Modelirovanie ekonomicheskoj stabil'nosti") Robotization of manufacturing in Central and Eastern Europe (Dubinina V.V.)
- Dubinina Marina Gennad'evna (TzEMI) Development of small UAVs in modern conditions (Dubinina M.G.)
- Komkina Tat'jana Anatol'evna (Moskva, Otdelenie po JuZAO UFK po g. Moskve (TzEMI RAN l/s 06319340050), Tzentral'nyj ekonomiko-matematicheskij institut RAN) Analysis of the problems of development of the main system-forming branches of industry of the Russian Federation (using the example of production of machinery and equipment) (Komkina T.A.)
- Komonov Egor Olegovich (Moskva, Diplomaticheskaja akademija MID RF, Kafedra Mirovoj ekonomiki i mezhdunarodnykh ekonomicheskikh otnoshenij) PCA analysis as a method for measuring the dynamics of globalization processes: idea and practice (Комонов Е.О.)
- Kuznetzova Marija (Moskva, Moskva, TzEMI RAN, Laboratorija modelirovanija ekonomicheskoj stabil'nosti (2.03)) Assessment of economic damage by a reduction in human life as a result of certain diseases caused by the negative impact of problematic innovations (Kuznetsova M.S.)
- Litvinenko Julija Aleksandrovna (Moskva, Tzentral'nyj ekonomiko - matematicheskij institut RAN
) Analysis of the military potential of NATO countries (Litvinenko Yu.A.)
- Farkova Natal'ja Anatol'evna (Moskva, Diplomaticheskaja akademija MID RF, kafedra mirovoj ekonomiki) The importance of intercultural communication in the modern world (Farkova N.A.)
S4 Econophysics and Sociophysics: mathematical methods
- Trundaev Ivan Vjacheslavovich (Moskva, FGOBU VPO "Finansovyj universitet pri Pravitel'stve Rossijskoj Federatzii") Soft control of a non-linear economic system (Trundaev I.V.)
S5 Science, Humanities and IT education
- Golitzyna Irina Avenirovna (Jaroslavl', Jaroslavskoe vysshee voennoe uchilishche protivovozdushnoj oborony , kafedra matematiki) Adaptation of first-year students to study mathematics at an engineering university (Golitsyna I.A.)
- Dovbysh Sergej (SUNTz MGU im. M.V. Lomonosova, kaf. matematiki) Antiderivatives of continuous functions: approaches without integral sums (alternative construction of the theory of integrals) (Dovbysh S.A.)
- Musikhina Ol'ga Mikhajlovna Настольные развивающие игры как один из методов геймификации дополнительного образования (Мусихина О.М., Солянова И.А.)
- Novikova Galina Viktorovna (Moskva, Fakul'tet pedagogichekogo obrazovanija MGU im. M.V.Lomonosova, fakul'tet pedagogicheskogo obrazovanija) Problems of modern teacher education (Novikova G.V.)
- Potapova Tat'jana Vasil'evna (g. Moskva, Moskovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova,, NII fiziko-khimicheskoj biologii imeni A.N. Belozerskogo, otdel matematicheskikh metodov v biologii) Energy cooperation between cells as the natural technology of biological systems (Potapova T.V.)
- Potapova Tat'jana Vasil'evna (g. Moskva, Moskovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova,, NII fiziko-khimicheskoj biologii imeni A.N. Belozerskogo, otdel matematicheskikh metodov v biologii) Phylosophical walks with children till 10-12 years (Potapova T.V., Petrova Ju.V., Popinako A.V.)
- Simonova Irina Eduardovna (Volgogradskij gosudarstvennyj tekhnicheskij universitet) The Artificial Intelligence in the Educational Process for Students of Economic Specialties (on the Example of VSTU) (Simonova I.E., Lepilkina A.V.)
- Smirnova Nadezhda Nikolaevna (Moskva, OChU DPO "Mezhdunarodnyj institut Montessori-pedagogiki") Project-based physics and math education
in Montessori schools (Smirnova N.N., Smirnov V.Yu., Shirkov P.D.)
- Shirkov Petr Dmitrievich (Dubna, Ob'edinennyj institut jadernykh issledovanij, Uchebno-nauchnyj tzentr
) Experimental and project intensive courses for students of physics and mathematics - future teachers (Kamanin D.V., Lomachenkov I.A., Shirkov P.D.)
- Shirkov Petr Dmitrievich (Dubna, Ob'edinennyj institut jadernykh issledovanij, Uchebno-nauchnyj tzentr
) Fundamentals of applied mathematics in compulsory school (Senner S.A., Shirkov P.D.)
- Shumovskaja Dar'ja Aleksandrovna (Moskva, VINITI RAN, Otdelenie nauchnoj informatzii po problemam nauk o Zemle i okhrane okruzhajushchej sredy) The use of the literary form of haiku in teaching a course in botany (Shumovskay D.A.)
S7 Russian Scientific Language
- Pichugina Dasha (Moskva, MOSKOVSKIJ GOSUDARSTVENNYJ UNIVERSITET IM. M.V.LOMONOSOVA, Institut russkogo jazyka i kul'tury) The problem of professional trajectory of education for foreign students at the preparatory step (Pichugina D.A.)
- Smirnov Aleksej Sergeevich (Moskva, MOSKOVSKIJ GOSUDARSTVENNYJ UNIVERSITET IM. M.V.LOMONOSOVA, Institut russkogo jazyka i kul'tury, kafedra estestvennonauchnykh i gumanitarnykh distziplin) Teaching mathematics to international students at the pre-university stage: “preparation for entrance exams” or “the art of learning”? (Smirnov A.S.)
- Tresorukova Irina Vital'evna (Moskva, Moskovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova, Filologicheskij fakul'tet) Stylistics of scientific text (comparative analysis of scientific articles in Russian, Serbian and Greek) (Tresorukova I.)
R1 Russia Culture Media
- Anikina Lada Aleksandrovna (Moskva, Tvorcheskij Sojuz Khudozhnikov Rossii, Tvorcheskaja masterskaja "IVA-NOVA") Обратная бионика
микроструктуры в современном орнаменте
как элемент умвельта
(Аникина Л.А.)
- Karjakin Jurij Vasil'evich (Tomskij politekhnicheskij universitet, Otdel informatizatzii obrazovanija) On the interface of science and culture (Karyakin Yu.V.)