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Math Methods in Economy and Ecology
Arefieva E.V.
The problems of the safety of the architecture and archeological monuments in conditions of the underflooding of the undergroung water (Novgorod Kremlin)
(2003) 8 pp.
Balashov V.G., Tokareva G.V.
Managing liquid assets of a holding: tasks, algorithms and business processes of credit policy selection
(2003) 12 pp.
Bavykina O.V., Uskova O.F.
The experience of using math-statistic classification the quality of rural population
(2003) 8 pp.
Chistyakov V.V.
Scheduling the non-stop modernization of the complex of N>>1 entrprises with largely varied inputs—outputs on account of their profits being reinvested
(2003) 19 pp.
Ermakova I.V.
Mental diseases as the result of the influence of negative factors
(2003) 12 pp.
Komarov A.S.
Cellular automata models of communities of creeping plants with multiplicity of ontogenic ways
(2003) 13 pp.
Komarov A.S., Chertov O.G., Mikhailov A.V., Loukianov A.M.
Individual-based modelling of growth and elements cycling in forest ecosystems uniting population and balance approaches
(2003) 17 pp.
Krasnopol’skaya L.N., Zhironkina O.F.
The problem of scientist migration from Russian science towns
(2003) 13 pp.
L. Lukyanova, S. Kulikov, E. Maslova, T. Taggart
An information system for tracking study subject's status in case-control investigations in the Chernobyl region
(2003) 12 pp.
Malkov A.S.
A system of basic dynamic models of social processes as a foundation of applied social simulation
(2003) 11 pp.
Malkov A.S., Sakharov A.K.
A model of a soceity of automata with selfadjusting critrion function
(2003) 9 pp.
Philippova S.N., Fedina R.G.
The aspects of genophenotypical heterogeneity of population in prognoses and prophylaxis population health at the extreme natural factors
(2003) 11 pp.
Poluboyarov V.V., Sharkevich I.V., Kovalenko T.G.
Development of information system for monitoring of Volgograd region population health
(2003) 7 pp.
Saphronova T.I., Degtyarev G.V.
Soils water–salt regime and ground water mineralisation forecast in the rice irrigation system
(2003) 7 pp.
Semeshko A.V.
Workplace of financial director of firm: problems, models and methods of preparation, acceptance and the control of execution of decisions
(2003) 11 pp.
Surgutanov V.V.
The ethnogeny simulation model with interactions based on the mutual adaptation factor
(2003) 11 pp.
Varshavsky A.E.
The economic inequality is the determinative of slowing transition to the knowledge society
(2003) 22 pp.
Yegorenkov A.I.
Technique of study of bioethical aspects of a problem of risk of introdiction of new biomedical technologies
(2003) 18 pp.
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